Philosophy and more by George Sowers

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About George Sowers

My background is broad and diverse. I began my academic career in geologic engineering, but eventually switched to physics. I obtained my undergraduate degree in physics from Georgia Tech; and went on to get my Ph.D. in physics from the University of Colorado. My thesis was in quantum field theory and I have wrestled with the philosophic issues of quantum mechanics ever since.

My career has been as an aerospace engineer working on rocket systems to launch satellites. Over the last 30 years, working for a large corporation (Martin Marietta, then Lockheed Martin, and then United Launch Alliance), I advanced through the engineering ranks to my final position of chief scientist and vice president at United Launch Alliance (ULA). Along the way, I worked in many different engineering disciplines, managed a number of technology development programs, served as chief systems engineer for the development of the world's most advanced rocket system (the Atlas V), and directed marketing and sales efforts worth billions of dollars.

My lifelong passion has been philosophy. As a youth, I was enamored with Nietzsche. I loved his audacity and rebelliousness. In graduate school, I spent long nights debating and reveling in the philosophic conundrums of modern physics. In subsequent years, I read and studied extensively, branching out from my mathematical physics and engineering roots. I learned the basics of biology and the theory of evolution. I studied the brain and theories of mind and consciousness. I delved into the philosophy of science and ethics and political theory and economics and anthropology. All the time I was assimilating and integrating these diverse fields into one coherent picture: the scientific worldview. The basic themes for The Philosophy for the Future emerged early and remained constant through years of labor.

I have written and published extensively in my field of aerospace engineering and I am a regular speaker at meetings and conferences. In philosophy, however, I have published only one article in Mind and another in the online Journal of the Transhumanist Association, which seems to now be defunct. I wrote the Mind article to prove to myself that I could make an original contribution in philosophy, even though the subject was a minor point of logic.

November 2013 marked the culmination of a 20-year project with the self-publication of The Philosophy for the Future.

I recently retired from ULA and started my own consulting company - Sowers Space Solutions. I also plan to spend more time writing, thinking, hiking, and gardening. Stay tuned for a new blog where I plan to post sections of my novels as I get them completed.

I have four wonderful children, all grown. After three post-divorce years, I met a beautiful lady, Karri, to refute all my hypotheses. We have been together for five years and live in Colorado.